Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2023
Generated 01-Jun-2023 04:01 EDT

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Monthly Statistics for May 2023
Total Hits 36544
Total Files 27167
Total Pages 18835
Total Visits 8687
Total KBytes 175111
Total Unique Sites 4964
Total Unique URLs 1966
Total Unique Referrers 351
Total Unique User Agents 429
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 49 528
Hits per Day 1178 2130
Files per Day 876 1855
Pages per Day 607 1434
Visits per Day 280 609
KBytes per Day 5649 20905
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 27167
Code 206 - Partial Content 3
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1029
Code 302 - Found 221
Code 304 - Not Modified 632
Code 400 - Bad Request 28
Code 401 - Unauthorized 8
Code 403 - Forbidden 8
Code 404 - Not Found 7414
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 34

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Daily usage for May 2023

Daily Statistics for May 2023
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1310 3.58% 956 3.52% 614 3.26% 322 3.71% 407 8.20% 4844 2.77%
2 927 2.54% 676 2.49% 417 2.21% 238 2.74% 307 6.18% 3344 1.91%
3 981 2.68% 616 2.27% 534 2.84% 259 2.98% 239 4.81% 4681 2.67%
4 1116 3.05% 570 2.10% 613 3.25% 269 3.10% 251 5.06% 3179 1.82%
5 703 1.92% 510 1.88% 412 2.19% 224 2.58% 151 3.04% 20536 11.73%
6 1356 3.71% 1045 3.85% 822 4.36% 202 2.33% 298 6.00% 3536 2.02%
7 1047 2.87% 750 2.76% 474 2.52% 188 2.16% 311 6.27% 3264 1.86%
8 1022 2.80% 688 2.53% 527 2.80% 248 2.85% 244 4.92% 4436 2.53%
9 1074 2.94% 785 2.89% 646 3.43% 194 2.23% 296 5.96% 2512 1.43%
10 964 2.64% 749 2.76% 464 2.46% 229 2.64% 373 7.51% 2695 1.54%
11 943 2.58% 673 2.48% 451 2.39% 260 2.99% 363 7.31% 2964 1.69%
12 1213 3.32% 879 3.24% 615 3.27% 311 3.58% 433 8.72% 2333 1.33%
13 1342 3.67% 1119 4.12% 629 3.34% 239 2.75% 518 10.44% 5030 2.87%
14 1729 4.73% 1223 4.50% 590 3.13% 289 3.33% 522 10.52% 9760 5.57%
15 1378 3.77% 1053 3.88% 759 4.03% 234 2.69% 375 7.55% 5801 3.31%
16 889 2.43% 550 2.02% 573 3.04% 285 3.28% 252 5.08% 8622 4.92%
17 1275 3.49% 1042 3.84% 809 4.30% 329 3.79% 196 3.95% 5836 3.33%
18 1026 2.81% 762 2.80% 627 3.33% 203 2.34% 221 4.45% 2624 1.50%
19 1291 3.53% 878 3.23% 705 3.74% 184 2.12% 250 5.04% 4267 2.44%
20 1117 3.06% 785 2.89% 712 3.78% 478 5.50% 324 6.53% 4530 2.59%
21 2130 5.83% 1855 6.83% 1434 7.61% 609 7.01% 398 8.02% 6804 3.89%
22 1717 4.70% 1428 5.26% 839 4.45% 547 6.30% 464 9.35% 3802 2.17%
23 1894 5.18% 1301 4.79% 1019 5.41% 464 5.34% 451 9.09% 7543 4.31%
24 1454 3.98% 1186 4.37% 507 2.69% 262 3.02% 612 12.33% 20905 11.94%
25 1489 4.07% 1240 4.56% 474 2.52% 245 2.82% 518 10.44% 1842 1.05%
26 788 2.16% 576 2.12% 379 2.01% 238 2.74% 235 4.73% 14661 8.37%
27 712 1.95% 470 1.73% 498 2.64% 242 2.79% 192 3.87% 2018 1.15%
28 818 2.24% 623 2.29% 397 2.11% 210 2.42% 264 5.32% 2531 1.45%
29 1021 2.79% 834 3.07% 458 2.43% 256 2.95% 401 8.08% 3570 2.04%
30 894 2.45% 710 2.61% 346 1.84% 194 2.23% 370 7.45% 2959 1.69%
31 924 2.53% 635 2.34% 491 2.61% 246 2.83% 277 5.58% 3682 2.10%

Hourly usage for May 2023

Hourly Statistics for May 2023
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 58 1816 4.97% 48 1518 5.59% 39 1239 6.58% 137 4244 2.42%
1 42 1332 3.64% 32 1002 3.69% 19 608 3.23% 252 7815 4.46%
2 51 1591 4.35% 43 1335 4.91% 29 914 4.85% 152 4719 2.70%
3 42 1306 3.57% 34 1060 3.90% 19 611 3.24% 110 3415 1.95%
4 46 1452 3.97% 32 1015 3.74% 21 659 3.50% 139 4299 2.46%
5 48 1504 4.12% 30 942 3.47% 25 803 4.26% 758 23493 13.42%
6 46 1440 3.94% 33 1041 3.83% 23 731 3.88% 151 4680 2.67%
7 39 1232 3.37% 31 965 3.55% 17 536 2.85% 744 23050 13.16%
8 45 1416 3.87% 32 1005 3.70% 24 748 3.97% 158 4885 2.79%
9 42 1302 3.56% 33 1030 3.79% 17 551 2.93% 127 3936 2.25%
10 45 1397 3.82% 36 1125 4.14% 18 564 2.99% 232 7194 4.11%
11 43 1351 3.70% 33 1024 3.77% 20 638 3.39% 114 3519 2.01%
12 49 1524 4.17% 33 1045 3.85% 22 712 3.78% 162 5032 2.87%
13 48 1501 4.11% 35 1114 4.10% 26 809 4.30% 153 4754 2.71%
14 50 1558 4.26% 37 1158 4.26% 25 777 4.13% 159 4915 2.81%
15 68 2126 5.82% 48 1490 5.48% 37 1152 6.12% 597 18500 10.56%
16 46 1441 3.94% 32 1002 3.69% 21 674 3.58% 189 5848 3.34%
17 42 1306 3.57% 28 892 3.28% 20 632 3.36% 216 6684 3.82%
18 44 1364 3.73% 31 985 3.63% 20 621 3.30% 203 6303 3.60%
19 39 1238 3.39% 30 958 3.53% 18 581 3.08% 211 6535 3.73%
20 47 1483 4.06% 34 1059 3.90% 23 716 3.80% 223 6904 3.94%
21 71 2223 6.08% 57 1785 6.57% 45 1406 7.46% 144 4457 2.55%
22 63 1959 5.36% 43 1340 4.93% 40 1243 6.60% 186 5752 3.28%
23 54 1682 4.60% 41 1277 4.70% 29 910 4.83% 135 4177 2.39%

Top 30 of 1966 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5110 13.98% 4446 2.54% /
2 4042 11.06% 1334 0.76% /rkawp/xmlrpc.php
3 2839 7.77% 6295 3.60% /rkawp/wp-login.php
4 768 2.10% 4 0.00% /rkawp/wp-cron.php
5 392 1.07% 56 0.03% /robots.txt
6 226 0.62% 0 0.00% /archiveswp/wp-cron.php
7 197 0.54% 535 0.31% /rollback/wooden.php
8 174 0.48% 119 0.07% /layout/slideup.js
9 128 0.35% 85 0.05% /ramakrishnafoundation/
10 121 0.33% 138 0.08% /layout/slideupna.css
11 105 0.29% 133 0.08% What is the cost for diflucan
12 102 0.28% 108 0.06% /mp3_shop/
13 97 0.27% 17 0.01% /churchinfo-new/AjaxFunctions.php
14 94 0.26% 0 0.00% /ramakrishnafoundation/wp-cron.php
15 88 0.24% 209 0.12% /rctlectures.html
16 86 0.24% 103 0.06% /old/photos/
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24 66 0.18% 128 0.07% Diflucan tabletten rezeptfrei
25 66 0.18% 183 0.10% /priv_stats/
26 65 0.18% 52 0.03% /comments/feed/
27 64 0.18% 208 0.12% /archiveswp/category/uncategorized/feed/
28 64 0.18% 382 0.22% /churchinfo-new/PersonView.php
29 63 0.17% 141 0.08% /monthlya.html
30 61 0.17% 312 0.18% /archiveswp/author/swami_m/feed/

Top 10 of 1966 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 4 0.01% 22179 12.67% /monthly/topic3.mp3
2 2 0.01% 19505 11.14% /monthly/topic1.mp3
3 3 0.01% 7676 4.38% /monthly/topic4.mp3
4 2839 7.77% 6295 3.60% /rkawp/wp-login.php
5 5110 13.98% 4446 2.54% /
6 52 0.14% 3179 1.82% /layout/possible_use5.jpg
7 1 0.00% 2331 1.33% /monthly/topic2.mp3
8 1 0.00% 2190 1.25% /media/lecture2/lecture2.mp3
9 1 0.00% 2097 1.20% /media/lecture7/lecture7.mp3
10 1 0.00% 2083 1.19% /media/lecture5/lecture5.mp3

Top 10 of 834 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5110 13.98% 2168 30.14% /
2 128 0.35% 108 1.50% /ramakrishnafoundation/
3 68 0.19% 63 0.88% /archiveswp/feed/
4 66 0.18% 62 0.86% /priv_stats/
5 64 0.18% 58 0.81% /archiveswp/category/uncategorized/feed/
6 102 0.28% 58 0.81% /mp3_shop/
7 61 0.17% 54 0.75% /archiveswp/author/swami_m/feed/
8 59 0.16% 53 0.74% /archiveswp/category/sarvadevananda/feed/
9 88 0.24% 45 0.63% /rctlectures.html
10 86 0.24% 40 0.56% /old/photos/

Top 10 of 841 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5110 13.98% 2085 28.83% /
2 128 0.35% 119 1.65% /ramakrishnafoundation/
3 102 0.28% 68 0.94% /mp3_shop/
4 68 0.19% 63 0.87% /archiveswp/feed/
5 59 0.16% 57 0.79% /archiveswp/category/sarvadevananda/feed/
6 64 0.18% 57 0.79% /archiveswp/category/uncategorized/feed/
7 61 0.17% 55 0.76% /archiveswp/author/swami_m/feed/
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9 65 0.18% 47 0.65% /comments/feed/
10 54 0.15% 47 0.65% /feed/

Top 30 of 4964 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 3445 9.43% 3445 12.68% 181 0.10% 684 7.87%
2 1088 2.98% 1068 3.93% 5 0.00% 5 0.06%
3 937 2.56% 520 1.91% 17618 10.06% 225 2.59%
4 375 1.03% 284 1.05% 372 0.21% 9 0.10%
5 303 0.83% 300 1.10% 278 0.16% 1 0.01%
6 298 0.82% 270 0.99% 677 0.39% 2 0.02%
7 298 0.82% 294 1.08% 277 0.16% 1 0.01%
8 296 0.81% 251 0.92% 1938 1.11% 1 0.01%
9 272 0.74% 270 0.99% 219 0.13% 2 0.02%
10 271 0.74% 270 0.99% 219 0.12% 1 0.01%
11 259 0.71% 4 0.01% 1236 0.71% 3 0.03%
12 247 0.68% 241 0.89% 2180 1.25% 103 1.19%
13 232 0.63% 222 0.82% 2725 1.56% 78 0.90%
14 227 0.62% 220 0.81% 2372 1.35% 86 0.99%
15 226 0.62% 217 0.80% 2669 1.52% 89 1.02%
16 223 0.61% 210 0.77% 2058 1.18% 81 0.93%
17 222 0.61% 213 0.78% 1792 1.02% 88 1.01%
18 221 0.60% 213 0.78% 2967 1.69% 96 1.11%
19 221 0.60% 217 0.80% 1805 1.03% 102 1.17%
20 221 0.60% 216 0.80% 1633 0.93% 81 0.93%
21 219 0.60% 211 0.78% 1742 0.99% 81 0.93%
22 218 0.60% 211 0.78% 1924 1.10% 83 0.96%
23 215 0.59% 206 0.76% 1957 1.12% 82 0.94%
24 212 0.58% 207 0.76% 1856 1.06% 92 1.06%
25 206 0.56% 195 0.72% 1531 0.87% 65 0.75%
26 203 0.56% 193 0.71% 1480 0.85% 79 0.91%
27 200 0.55% 196 0.72% 3001 1.71% 85 0.98%
28 196 0.54% 192 0.71% 1744 1.00% 72 0.83%
29 195 0.53% 181 0.67% 187 0.11% 1 0.01%
30 195 0.53% 190 0.70% 1613 0.92% 74 0.85%

Top 10 of 4964 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 33 0.09% 26 0.10% 18441 10.53% 22 0.25%
2 30 0.08% 11 0.04% 17966 10.26% 12 0.14%
3 937 2.56% 520 1.91% 17618 10.06% 225 2.59%
4 19 0.05% 16 0.06% 11056 6.31% 1 0.01%
5 200 0.55% 196 0.72% 3001 1.71% 85 0.98%
6 221 0.60% 213 0.78% 2967 1.69% 96 1.11%
7 232 0.63% 222 0.82% 2725 1.56% 78 0.90%
8 183 0.50% 177 0.65% 2693 1.54% 75 0.86%
9 226 0.62% 217 0.80% 2669 1.52% 89 1.02%
10 227 0.62% 220 0.81% 2372 1.35% 86 0.99%

Top 100 of 351 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 28508 78.01% - (Direct Request)
2 3429 9.38%
3 756 2.07%
4 385 1.05%
5 385 1.05%
6 240 0.66%
7 104 0.28%
8 100 0.27%
9 58 0.16%
10 52 0.14%
11 52 0.14%
12 40 0.11%
13 35 0.10%
14 32 0.09%
15 31 0.08%
16 27 0.07%
17 27 0.07%
18 26 0.07%
19 26 0.07%
20 24 0.07%
21 22 0.06%
22 21 0.06%
23 20 0.05%
24 18 0.05%
25 17 0.05%
26 16 0.04%
27 15 0.04%
28 14 0.04%
29 13 0.04%
30 12 0.03%
31 12 0.03%
32 10 0.03%
33 9 0.02%
34 9 0.02%
35 9 0.02%
36 9 0.02%
37 8 0.02%
38 8 0.02%
39 6 0.02%
40 6 0.02%
41 6 0.02%
42 6 0.02%
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45 6 0.02%
46 6 0.02%
47 5 0.01%
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52 4 0.01%
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83 3 0.01% https://xn\
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Top 15 of 429 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 4502 12.32% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
2 3432 9.39% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:102.0) Gecko/201
3 3125 8.55% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36
4 3011 8.24% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
5 2549 6.98% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +http://www.semrush
6 2223 6.08% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:96.0) Gecko/2010
7 978 2.68% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +https://opensiteexplore
8 957 2.62% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, li
9 746 2.04% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/5
10 696 1.90% Mozlila/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Bulid/NRD90M; wv) A
11 581 1.59% Podcasts/4022.510.4 CFNetwork/1406.0.4 Darwin/22.4.0
12 566 1.55% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible
13 540 1.48% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
14 472 1.29% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (
15 448 1.23% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +

Usage by Country for May 2023

Top 30 of 81 Total Countries